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vol.23 número1Classificação integrativa sobre os usos de Se em amostras da língua oral educada de HolguínInovação e pesquisa científica na formação de um profissional integral índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 1814-151X


CRUZ CRUZ, Yamila  e  MARTINEZ CUBA, Orlando. Informative imaging-assistance training method. A way to form the laborculture of the resident in Imaging. Luz [online]. 2024, vol.23, n.1  Epub 15-Mar-2024. ISSN 1814-151X.

The article responds to a problem in the training process of the medical resident in Imaging, which expresses insufficiencies in the ways that enable the formation of their labor culture for the appropriation of tomographic content of lymphomas. Its objective is to develop a method that contributes to this purpose. The integration of research methods such as analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive, survey, interview, scientific observation, as well as descriptive statistics, made it possible not only to diagnose the existence of the problem, but also to corroborate the potential of a new method to contribute to your solution. The method is called informative imaging-assistance training and is structured by three procedures that energize the formation of the labor culture of this resident for the appropriation of tomographic content of lymphomas from the integration of the academic, labor and research components, in order to solve problems professionals and scientists associated with the modes of action of this Health professional.

Palavras-chave : medical resident in Imaging; formation of labor culture; tomographic contents of lymphomas; method.

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