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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo

versão On-line ISSN 1991-9395


SANTIAGO CORTES, Guadalupe  e  FRANCO ENRIQUEZ, Jesús Gabriel. Pandemic, telework and damages to health in preschool teachers from Mexico. Rev. cuban. salud trabajo [online]. 2023, vol.24, n.1  Epub 01-Abr-2023. ISSN 1991-9395.


Telework is a modality of occupational organization that increased exponentially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This type of organization allowed to carry out the education of children from home. However, despite some positive aspects for workers, the existence is not ruled out of conditions that damage health.


To research the occupational process of telework in teachers of a child development center located in Mexico City, in order to identify the risks and occupational requirements, as well as recommend preventive actions of the case.


To collect and analyze the data, the card with the company general information and the complex diagrams of occupational health were used, together with information collecting tools from the PROVERIFICA Model. The reconstruction of the occupational process of preschool education by telework allowed to identify risks and occupational requirements.


The identified risks involve facilities and equipment inadequate for the tasks. The demands registered were loss of control over the occupational process, lengthening and irregularity in the working day, strict supervision, sedentary lifestyle and forced postures.


The coexistence of family and occupational life in the same space causes significant imbalances; in addition, telework can cause damage to the physical and mental health of workers. It is necessary to implement comprehensive preventive programs on occupational health and to establish an adequate monitoring of the conditions of telework for teachers in Mexico.

Palavras-chave : telework; preschool education; occupational demands and risks; damages to health.

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