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vol.27 número2Determinación de anticuerpos IgG contra el ADN de doble cadena mediante ELISA utilizando como recubrimiento ADN xenógeno y alógenoEficacia y seguridad de la esclerosis con espuma de las várices de miembros inferiores índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3011


PUENTES MADERA, Isabel Cristina; RUBIO MEDINA, Yuslet  e  GALLARDO PEREZ, Ulises de Jesús. Incidence of sepsis in surgical site In the National Institute of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd [online]. 2008, vol.27, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3011.

Objetive:To determine incidence of surgical wounds sepsis in services of National Institute of Angiology and Vascular Surgery during 200-2005. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out during 6 years to watch over all surgiries performed. We calculate absolute and relatives frequencies, net and specific rates. Results: Infections in surgical wounds were more than 60% of nosocomial infections. There was a increase of sepsis in surgical wounds, mainly, at the expense of supracondylar amputations. Service of diabetic Angiopathy account for more than 65% of this type of infection. iMore frequent isolated germs were Escherichia coli, Proteus spp and ECP. Conclusions: Sepsis in surgical wounds increased in this period, where the major problem of nosocomial sepsis remains in acceptable values. High number of isolated strains is of Gram-negative microorganisms

Palavras-chave : Intra-hospital infection.

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