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Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3003


COUTIN MARIE, Gisele; BORGES SORIA, Jorge; BATISTA MOLINER, Ricardo  e  HERRERA LEON, Lorenzo. Incrementar la esperanza de vida: una posibilidad real. Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol [online]. 2000, vol.38, n.2, pp. 102-111. ISSN 1561-3003.

General mortality tends to decrease in the last few decades, which is translated into an increrase of life expectancy at birth. However, the changes in the epidemiological pattern of deaths and the population aging have brought about that non-communicable diseases turn into the first causes of dealth, which implies a higher use of resources in the interventions. Heart and cerebrovascular diseases are among the first three causes of death in our country and the control of arterial hypertension, a risk factor for both illnesses, could reduce mortality from both causes and increase life expectancy. This paper was aimed at describing general mortality and determining the impact of the reduction of deaths from heart and cerebrovascular diseases by 20% on the population´s life expectancy. This is expected to be achieve thanks to the implementation of the new program of blood pressure control. For this paper, functions of life tables, basically life expectancy at birth, life expectancy at exact ages and temporary life expectancies were used, being the two latter employed according to Eduardo Arriaga´s methodology. The result was an notable increase in average lifetime of Cuban of both sexes by a 20% reduction of mortality from the above-mentioned diseases for all age groups.


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