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Ingeniería Electrónica, Automática y Comunicaciones

versão On-line ISSN 1815-5928


HERRERA GUERRA, Ernesto Raúl; GARCIA SOSA, Jorge Luis  e  GUSTABELLO COGLE, Robby. Implementation of control algorithms in Unit # 1 of the Hanabanilla Hydro Power Plant for frequency regulation of the National Electro-energetic System. EAC [online]. 2018, vol.39, n.3, pp. 31-44. ISSN 1815-5928.

The present work aims to show the results obtained in the design and implementation of a rehabilitation project in the generation Unit # 1 of the Hanabanilla hydroelectric power station located in the mountain massif of Escambray of Villa Clara province, in order to improve the automatic regulation of the frequency of the National Electrical System. For this purpose, control algorithms implemented on the PLC that commands the speed governor or governor model HAUCK Hydraulik - Technik are used. These algorithms are novel because they adapt to the requirements of frequency regulation designed by the National Dispatch Office (NDO) for this plant, the only one of its kind in the country. In carrying out the project, technical, economic and efficiency requirements are taken into account in order to achieve an adequate and sustainable use of water, a resource of great value for mankind and the environment.

Palavras-chave : Secondary Frequency Regulation; Governors; Programmable Logic Controller (PLCs); National Dispatch Office; National Electro-energetic System; Hydro Power Plant.

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