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Ingeniería Electrónica, Automática y Comunicaciones

versão On-line ISSN 1815-5928


PEREIRA RUISANCHEZ, Dariel et al. Analysis of SFN gain behavior for DTMB. EAC [online]. 2019, vol.40, n.1, pp. 71-80. ISSN 1815-5928.

During the last years, Cuba has been deploying the Digital Terrestrial Television service in accordance with the DTMB standard on its Multiple Frequency Network (MFN) mode. However, as part of the evolution of this technology, some countries had evolved toward the deployment of Single Frequency Networks (SFN). Studies on SFN show that is possible to get a more homogeneous distribution of the received signal quality and, besides, the different transmitter’s incoming signals might be combined in a constructive way to get a reception gain. However, a group of authors considers that an increasing on the received signal total intensity is not always in correspondence with a better reception quality. That’s why reception parameters like signal to noise ratio (SNR) and modulation error ratio (MER), have been considered to evaluate the gain, instead of signal strength. In this paper, it is presented an analysis, based on laboratory test results, that allow characterizing the SFN gain for DTMB standard where the MER parameter has been considered like a received signal quality indicator. Furthermore, the results of evaluating the reception capacity of a commercial receiver on SFN in the presence of multipath with near to guard interval length are presented.

Palavras-chave : SFN; DTMB; MER.

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