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Centro Azúcar

versão On-line ISSN 2223-4861


PRIETO GARCIA, Julio Omar; QUINTANA PUCHOL, Rafael; RODRIGUEZ SUAREZ, Esnaider  e  MOLLINEDA TRUJILLO, Ángel. Bagasse fly ash for the removal of zinc in aqueous solution. cen. az. [online]. 2016, vol.43, n.3, pp. 78-83. ISSN 2223-4861.

ABSTRACT The combustion of bagasse generates a by-product which is considered to be a low cost adsorbent. The present work has as an objective the study the adsorption of zinc ions in aqueous solutions. As a heavy metal, zinc has maximum allowable concentration in the drinking water of Mozambique of 5 mg/L according the Department of Health. Measurements of XRD, FTIR, TG were some of the characterization techniques of the resulting ash.  According to the results from the study of thermodynamics and kinetics models, the ones which better adjust were the Langmuir and pseudo-second order models.

Palavras-chave : ash; zinc; adsorption; kinetic model; thermodynamic model.

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