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Revista Cubana de Cirugía

versão impressa ISSN 0034-7493


ZAMORA SANTANA, Orlando et al. Bile duct injures from laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Rev Cubana Cir [online]. 2013, vol.52, n.1, pp. 33-40. ISSN 0034-7493.

Introduction: On February 1991 the first laparoscopic cholecistectomy (LC) was performed in Cuba. Despite the benefits of this approach, bile ducts injuries (BDI) seem to be more frequent. Objective: To describe the behavior of the bile duct injuries in six hospitals located in 5 provinces throughout the country so as to detect deficiencies to be corrected. Methods: A retrospective, multicenter and descriptive study of 27 bile duct injuries on 17288 LC performed in 6 university hospitals throughout the country. The primary data was collected through a 13 point-questionnaire applied to every injured patient, and equal for all the centers. Results: The percentage of BDI in this series was low (0.15 %). In 59.2 % of cases, the diagnosis was made postoperatively and almost 63 % were severe Strasberg's type E lesions. The most used repair techniques were bile digestive derivations, but lesions identified transoperatively were in most of the cases treated with ''T'' tube repairs. Major complications occurred in 25.9 % of patients. Conclusions: The percentage of lesions in our study is low, but they were mostly severe. The postsurgical stenosis was mainly related with the wrong selection of the primary repair technique.

Palavras-chave : Laparoscopic cholecistectomy; bile duct injuries.

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