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vol.45 número2Nivel de satisfacción con los servicios informativos en la Facultad de Estomatología de la HabanaEstudio cefalométrico del hueso hioides en niños respiradores bucales de 11años (I parte) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Cubana de Estomatología

versão On-line ISSN 1561-297X


NASCO HIDALGO, Nayda; GISPERT ABREU, Estela de los A; VENTURA HERNANDEZ, Maria I  e  PUPO TRIGUERO, Raúl J. Prevalence of incipient lesions of dental caries in school children . Rev Cubana Estomatol [online]. 2008, vol.45, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-297X.

OBJECTIVES: to determine the prevalence of incipient lesions of dental caries in children aged 6-11 of "José A Echeverría" Primary School in Plaza de la Revolución municipality from January to December 2006, and to identify in the studied group the frequency of children according to the number of incipient lesion, as well as the frequency of incipient lesions per tooth localization in the arcade and per dental surface. METHODS: an observational descriptive cross-sectional study was undertaken. The universe consisted of all the children aged 6-11 that fulfilled the inclusion criteria for a total of 236, who were examined in the open-air and with natural light by using the soft visual-tactile method. The teeth were cleaned with cotton and were dried with air to detect the presence of incipient carious lesions, which were indicated in a dentigram model in the place corresponding to the surface affected. RESULTS: it was found that 22.5 % of the school children examined presented these lesions. Of them, 60.1 % were females, 19.5 % of the total of children presented a lesion and just 3 % had 2 incipient lesions of dental caries; 79.2 % of them were observed in the posterior tooth. The smooth surfaces were the most affected with 45.3 %. CONCLUSIONS: Approximately the fourth part of the studied children presented incipient carious lesions. Females were the most affected. Of all the children with incipient lesions, the highest figure corresponded to those having a lesion. The posterior teeth were the most affected by incipient lesions. The smooth surfaces showed more incipient lesions than the occlusal and proximal

Palavras-chave : White stain; incipient lesion.

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