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Revista Cubana de Estomatología

versão impressa ISSN 0034-7507


SOTO CANTERO, Luis; DE LA TORRE MORALES, Julio Danilo; AGUIRRE ESPINOSA, Iris  e  DE LA TORRE RODRIGUEZ, Elizabeth. Temporomandibular disorders found in patients with malocclusions. Rev Cubana Estomatol [online]. 2013, vol.50, n.4, pp. 374-387. ISSN 0034-7507.

Introduction: prevalence of occlusal disorders are mostly related with temperomandibular dysfunction. Objective: to determine the level of temperomandibular dysfunction according to Maglione's index in correspondence with prevalence of malocclusions in the health area under «Turcios Lima» polyclinics. Methods: cross-sectional. observational and descriptive study was conducted in the orthodontics service from June 2008 to June 2009. Of a universe of 280 patients that went to the orthodontics service with maloclussions, a sample of 84 patients was randomly selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by experts. Results: seventy four patients presented with temporomandibular joint dysfunction and 44 of them (52.4 %) had moderate dysfunction (Grade II). Ninety seven percent of the patients with Class II molar relationship, also presented temporomandibular joint dysfunction whereas 42.9 % with malocclusion presented Grade I dysfunction; 60 % of patients with two malocclusions presented Grade II dysfunction and 66.7 % with three malocclusions, presented Grade III dysfunction. The majority of patients had Grade II dysfunction (moderate). Conclusions: the highest percent of patients with dysfunctions presented a Class II molar relation and the severity of dysfunction increased as the number of malocclusions increased.

Palavras-chave : temporomandibular dysfunction; malocclusions; Maglione's index.

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