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Revista Cubana de Estomatología

versão On-line ISSN 1561-297X


MORALES NAVARRO, Denia  e  RODRIGUEZ ROBAINA, Geisa. Post-traumatic facial deformity associated with a complication caused by orbital silastic 35 years after implantation. Rev Cubana Estomatol [online]. 2015, vol.52, n.4, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-297X.

Skeletal facial alterations not treated surgically or inappropriately handled may result in considerable secondary deformity with esthetic and functional implications which should be considered for treatment. The purpose of the study was to characterize a case of post-traumatic facial deformity associated with a complication caused by orbital silastic 35 years after implantation. A male 67-year-old patient reported having been treated for redness of one eye and secretion. Thirty-five years before he had been operated on for a fracture "in the area of the left eye". Silastic had been implanted and he had not had any problems until now. Physical examination revealed facial asymmetry: slight enophthalmos of the left eye with pupillary unevenness, reduced palpebral opening, antimongoloid feature, conjunctival erythema, chemosis and abundant secretion. Upper-outer movement was limited. A fistula was found in the bottom of the lower palpebral sac. It is diagnosed as post-traumatic facial deformity complicated by reaction to foreign body (silastic). Surgery was performed to remove the material and reconstruct the missing anatomy in the area with titanium mesh. Excellent results were obtained. Post-traumatic facial lesions are generally associated with large functional and esthetic sequelae. When complications are added due to the use of biomaterial implants, determination of the appropriate therapeutic management can be a challenge.

Palavras-chave : post-traumatic deformity; silastic; biomaterial; titanium mesh.

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