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Revista Cubana de Estomatología

versão On-line ISSN 1561-297X


HERRERO SOLANO, Yosvany  e  ARIAS MOLINA, Yordany. Personality disorder and temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Rev Cubana Estomatol [online]. 2019, vol.56, n.2  Epub 01-Jun-2019. ISSN 1561-297X.


There is a prevalence of temporomandibular joint dysfunction which is related to personality disorders, due to the moods experienced by these patients.


Determine the comorbidity of personality disorders and temporomandibular joint dysfunction.


A cross-sectional observational descriptive study was conducted at the Orthodontics service during one year, from February 2017 to 2018. The study universe was 250 patients, of whom a sample of 64 was selected by simple random sampling on the basis of inclusion criteria. The presence of temporomandibular dysfunction was determined by Maglione and collaborators' dysfunction index.


Temporomandibular joint dysfunction was found in 57 patients, of whom 46.87 % had dysfunction class II (moderate), and 89.06% had some sort of personality disorder, such as histrionic (25.00 %) or obsessive-compulsive personality (26.56 %).


In most of the patients examined a relationship was found between personality disorders and temporomandibular joint dysfunction, showing that there is comorbidity between the two conditions.

Palavras-chave : temporomandibular joint dysfunction; personality disorders; comorbidity.

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