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Revista Cubana de Farmacia

versão On-line ISSN 1561-2988


MARCHANTE CASTELLANOS, Pilar  e  MERCHAN GONZALEZ, Francisco. Teaching of Pharmacy in the Real Universidad de La Habana according to the Curriculum of 1863: Stage 1871-1880. Rev Cubana Farm [online]. 2007, vol.41, n.3, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-2988.

The curriculum of 1863 was maintained practically unalterable in the Real Universidad de La Habana until 1871, when the Spanish colonial government issued a decree by which a series of changes were established, mainly as a reprisal to the increasing independentist trend in the island and the outbreak of the first war against the Spanish domination in 1868. The chief modifications to the plan of 1863, such as the suppression of the Doctorate studies and the prohibition of conferring this degree in the Law, Pharmacy and Medicine faculties of the Real Universidad de La Habana, were exposed. The essential aspects that characterize the Pharmacy studies at the University in this second stage of application of the curriculum of 1863 were described, and the main resolutions established during it, including the decree by which the Doctorate studies were reestablished starting from the academic course 1879-1880 in the faculties where they had been forbidden, and the University recovered its capacity to grant the corresponding titles, were approached. A new teaching reform approved in 1880 put an end to the plan of 1863 at the higher education center

Palavras-chave : Pharmacy career in Cuba 1871-1880; Faculty of Pharmacy in Cuba 1871-1880.

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