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Revista Cubana de Medicina

versão On-line ISSN 1561-302X


POZO JEREZ, Haydeé Aurora; LEIVA SUERO, Lizette Elena; JIMENEZ PANEQUE, Rosa  e  MACIAS CASTRO, Ignacio. Proposición de un método alternativo para diagnosticar control tensional estable en el hipertenso. Rev cubana med [online]. 1999, vol.38, n.2, pp. 105-110. ISSN 1561-302X.

The need for finding formulae to optimize the stable control diagnosis of hypertensive patients who wait for surgery and are subject to frequent surgery postponement, and of hypertensive patients considered to be stady after occasioal blood pressure measurements at the doctor´s office. Was analyze in this article. Given the proven high sensitivity and specificity of the cold pressure test as a blood pressure-provoking test similar to a surgical strass, the idea of identifying its diagnostic certainty in controlled blood pressure and describing its performance in controlled and uncontrolled hypertensives before and after treatment was suggested. The research study was undertaken from January to December, 1996. It was proved that 111 out of 158 patients cared for in Pre-operatory Blood Pressure Medical Office met inclusion criteria. They were applied an initial cold pressure test which was positive, so they were given individual hypotensive treatment. Once normotensive, a second test was performed in which 11 patients were positive and required some treatment changes and a third test six months later. Surgery was allowed after negative results were obtained from the test. The transoperatory and postoperatory periods were normal in all the patients. It was concluded that cold pressure tests allow a short-term detection of controlled stable hypertensive patients at low cost and minimun risk. Due to its feasibility and valuable contribution to practical hypertensive patients care, it was proposed as an alternative method versus other sophisticated and costly procedure.

Palavras-chave : PREOPERATIVE CARE; HYPERTENSION [prevention and control].

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