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Revista Cubana de Medicina

versão impressa ISSN 0034-7523


ALVAREZ GONZALEZ, Yanet et al. Peritonitis in a program of peritoneal domiciliary dialysis in the Nephrology Institute: 2007-2011. Rev cubana med [online]. 2012, vol.51, n.2, pp. 117-123. ISSN 0034-7523.

Introduction: in Cuba the peritoneal dialysis was introduced at the end of the 60s; the peritonitis the was the more fearsome complication. Objective: to determine the incidence rate of peritonitis in a program of peritoneal dialysis at home. Methods: a prospective, descriptive and observational study was conducted in a universe including 30 patients from December, 2007 to May, 2011. Authors analyzed the demographic variables and the peritonitis presence. The distribution of frequency analysis was used as well as the Kaplan Meier for the time of the peritonitis-free survival. Results: from the total of patients, 17 had one episode of peritonitis, 6 had a second episode whereas only one had a third event for a total of 24 episodes of peritonitis; similar to an episode each 32 months/patient, these events occurred in 12 male patients and in 5 female patients; mean age was of 46,2 years. Conclusions: although the incidence of peritonitis became decreasing in past years, it remains as the leading complication of this therapeutical procedure.

Palavras-chave : peritoneal dialysis; peritonitis; chronic renal failure.

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