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Revista Cubana de Medicina

versão On-line ISSN 1561-302X


MARTINEZ FERNANDEZ, Liodelvio; ALVAREZ FUENTES, Lylia Alexandra  e  ARTEAGA HERNANDEZ, Ernesto. Fever of unknown origin as presentation of carcinoma of the cervix. Rev. Cuban de Med [online]. 2022, vol.61, n.4  Epub 01-Dez-2022. ISSN 1561-302X.

Carcinoma of the cervix is a rare cause of fever of unknown origin. We present the case of a 42-year-old female patient with fever of 80 days of evolution. She had been admitted to two hospitals without a diagnosis of the cause. She had been administered multiple antibiotic regimens without achieving remission of hyperthermia. She was referred to the "Hermanos Ameijeirasˮ Hospital to continue studies under the protocol for the care of patients with this type of condition. She had iron deficiency anemia and reported hypermenorrhea. Physical examination showed thickening of the cervix on vaginal examination and a tumor was visualized on speculum examination. The biopsy showed a carcinoma and she was treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, with which the fever disappeared. It is concluded that this neoplasm can present as a prolonged fever directly produced by the primary tumor, so an index of suspicion should be maintained in patients with fever of unknown origin. It is important to take into account the association of fever and vaginal bleeding as a possible form of presentation. It may constitute a relevant diagnostic clue to avoid wasting time. This case highlights the importance of performing a complete and thorough physical examination in all patients.

Palavras-chave : carcinoma of the cervix; fever of unknown origin; vaginal bleeding.

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