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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

versão impressa ISSN 0034-7531


LLAPUR MILIAN, René; GONZALEZ SANCHEZ, Raquel; BORGES ALFONSO, Katiuska  e  RUBIO OLIVARES, Doris Yisel. Lipid impairments in the essential blood hypertension. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2013, vol.85, n.3, pp. 283-294. ISSN 0034-7531.

Introduction: child blood hypertension has increased throughout the years due to inadequate lifestyles and has been accompanied by other comorbidities including dyslipidemias. Objective: to determine the frequency of dyslipidemias in children and adolescents suffering essential blood hypertension and its relationship with other cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study, which used demographic, anthropometric and biochemical variables, was conducted. The universe of study was 100 children and adolescents aged 4 to 18 years old, who had been seen at the blood hypertension service of the pediatric hospital in Centro Habana municipality in the period of January 2009 through December 2010. Results: it was found that 7 % of children had high cholesterol values, 6 % presented with risk factors and 9 % with high triglyceride figures, being more frequent in the 10-14 y age group, followed by 15-18 y group. All the children with high cholesterol values had family histories of blood hypertension and dyslipidemia as well as 83.3 % had diabetes antecedents, with no significant difference among the groups, except for dyslipidemia. No relationship was found between family histories and triglyceride values whereas cholesterol was significantly associated with obesity in children. Conclusions: dyslipidemia accounted for almost 20 % of studied children and hypercholesterolemia was related to family history of dyslipidemia and child obesity.

Palavras-chave : dyslipidemia; blood hypertension; children; adolescents.

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