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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3119


SAURA HERNANDEZ, María del Carmen et al. Renal ultrasound in the first six months of life. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2020, vol.92, n.3  Epub 01-Set-2020. ISSN 1561-3119.


Renal congenital and urinary tract´s malformations represent the most frequent cause of chronical kidney disease in children under five years old. The renal ultrasound it is nowadays included in the initial study while suspecting chronical kidney disease as a consequence of renal congenital and urinary tract´s malformations.


To identify sonographic findings that suggest renal anomalies in the first six months of life.


Descriptive cross-sectional study in children that were born from July, 2014 to June, 2015 in Santa Clara municipality having a normal prenatal renal ultrasound. The 672 children studied with previous informed consent had a renal ultrasound in the first six months of life which allowed to identify the children with sonographic alterations suggestive to any kind of renal development´s anomalies. The studies were conducted under the established protocols to define the kind of renal congenital and urinary tract´s malformation.


5.5% (40 patients) presented any kind of sonographic alteration. Hydronephrosis was identified in 27.50% of the patients. Renal ectopy and renal asymmetry were present in the 15.00% of the patients. 10.00% presented renal agenesis. 22.5% of the patients with hydronephrosis had vesicoureteral reflux.


Hydronephrosis represents a frequent sonographic alteration in patients with congenital renal malformations, mostly the vesicoureteral reflux type. Among the size, position and shape alterations, renal ectopy is the most frequent renal development´s anomaly.

Palavras-chave : renal malformation; renal ultrasound; diagnosis of renal malformation.

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