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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versão impressa ISSN 0138-600X


LOPEZ BARROSO, Reinaldo et al. Serotype 3 dengue repercussion on the pregnancy and the fetus. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2010, vol.36, n.2, pp. 42-50. ISSN 0138-600X.

Nowadays, dengue threats at world scale to more than 2 500 millions of persons and to more then 100 countries. Despite affecting in a special way to female sex during its gestational period there are enough studies approaching its repercussion on perinatal maternal health. OBJECTIVE: To assess the repercussion provoked on pregnancy and fetus by dengue 3 serotype. METHOD: A observational, analytical research of cases and controls paired in 30 pregnants suffered this disease in Santiago de Cuba province during the epidemic from April to November, 2006 was made, confirmed by IgM and IdG. Controls were selected by a 2:1 ratio, paired according to institution were labor occurred. RESULTS: There was a preterm birth threat in pregnants with dengue serotype 3 in the 13.3% versus 3.6 % in healthy group. Placental damages affecting the fetus and the dystocia labor (33.3%). In newborn growth restriction was of 10% in cases con dengue serotype 3 versus 3.6% without this condition. CONCLUSION: Dengue serotype 3 during pregnant increases presence of fetal growth restriction.

Palavras-chave : Dengue and pregnancy; dengue serotype 3; Cuba.

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