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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3062


TAMAYO LIEN, Tania Graciela et al. Colpohistological relation in high-grade cervical lesions. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2010, vol.36, n.3, pp. 422-432. ISSN 1561-3062.

OBJECTIVES: To analyze the relationship among the cytologic, colposcopic and histologic results in patients underwent conization with diathermic loop from high grade lesions (HGL) of cervix; to classify the populations with above mentioned high grade lesions according to age, parity, family backgrounds and the onset of sexual intercourses; to determine the relation between cytology with high grade lesions and the video-colposcopy; to identify the patient's ratio presenting with different anatomical-pathological results in HGL cytologies; to assess the profit of diathermic loop use concerning to section edges in the conization carried out, as well as the result of the post-conization first results. METHODS: A total of 107 patients were studied in the cervix pathology consultation of the "Ramón González Coro" Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital in 2006 whose first results of cytology test were HGLs, they underwent conization with diathermic loop as diagnostic and therapeutical procedure before videocolposcopy. RESULTS: The 67 % (72 cases) of patients with cytologic results of HGLs had some abnormal colposcopic finding. From the conization patients the 84.2 % had lesion-free edges. There were three cervicouterine cancers and in the 31.7 % it was demonstrated the presence of cervix low-grade lesions (LGL). The cytology with channel brushing at 6 months after surgical procedure, it was abnormal in six of such patients. Also, there was a cytohistological relationship in the 50 % of study cases. CONCLUSION: The conization with diathermic loop according to our results is a safe, effective and with minimal complications procedure avoiding the hospital admission, as well as the anesthetic and surgical risks of conventional surgery.

Palavras-chave : High grade intraepithelial lesions; cervical pathology; videocolposcopy.

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