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Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar

versão impressa ISSN 0138-6557


VALLE LARA, Yury  e  RODRIGUEZ TAPANES, Vivian. Single layer intestinal extramucosal suturing using two semi-continuous sutures in patients with abdominal surgery. Rev Cub Med Mil [online]. 2012, vol.41, n.2, pp. 167-174. ISSN 0138-6557.

Objective: compare the use of single layer intestinal extramucosal suturing using two semi-continuous sutures versus two-layer suturing in patients with abdominal surgery. Methods: a controlled randomized single-blind observational-analytical prospective surgical technique evaluation study was conducted with 126 patients of both sexes aged over 15. The single-layer extramucosal method using two semi-continuous sutures was used in 76 patients, and the two-layer intestinal suturing method in 50. Account was taken of the frequency and type of complications, and their relation to the suturing method used, as well as the influence upon surgical time and the length of hospital stay. Results: with the single layer extramucosal method using two semi-continuous sutures only 13 patients had complications of any sort; surgical time was under 2 h in 64 patients (84.2 %), and the length of hospital stay was under 7 days in 80.3 %. The most common complications in both groups were surgical site infection, stercoraceous fistulas and partial suture dehiscence. Single layer intestinal extramucosal suturing using two semi-continuous sutures showed a lower rate of complications and a considerable decrease in surgical time and length of hospital stay. Conclusions: single layer intestinal suturing using two semi-continuous sutures is the method of choice for intestinal suturing.

Palavras-chave : single layer suturing; semi-continuous sutures; extramucosal.

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