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Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3046


DARIAS MARTIN, Jorge Luis. Testicular fibroma. Rev Cub Med Mil [online]. 2016, vol.45, n.3, pp. 391-396. ISSN 1561-3046.

Paratesticular fibroma is a benign proliferative process of uncertain origin, probably non-tumor reactive inflammatory. The aim of the study is to present a case of paratesticular fibroma, as well as the diagnostic and therapeutic sequence implemented. We present a 55 year old patient with a history of hypertension. This patient visits the Urology outpatient clinic because of an increase in volume of the right testicle, a year of evolution, which in the last three months had caused slight discomfort. No history of trauma or inflammation was recorded in the testicle. On the physical examination he presented, to the lower pole of the testis and tail of the right epididymis, a mass of irregular stony consistency, 3 to 4 cm in diameter, fixed and painless. The testicular ultrasound reported the presence of a complex image, towards the lower pole, heterogeneous hypo and hyperechoic calcified inside, which measured 33 x 18 x 34 mm for 11 cm3 volume, and with associated light hydrocele. The patient underwent right radical orchiectomy with no complications. The histopathological result was nodular and hyalinizing fibrous proliferation affecting the tunica albuginea, calcified fibroma of the right testicle. Postoperative evolution was satisfactory. Although the definitive diagnosis of paratesticular fibroma is histopathological, its clinical and ultrasound characteristics make it one of the differential diagnoses to be considered with malignant tumors of the testis.

Palavras-chave : testis; benign testicular tumor; paratesticular fibroma; radical orchiectomy.

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