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Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3046


RENDA VALERA, Liem; CRUZ BORJAS, Yeilen; PAREJO MADEN, Dayanira  e  CUENCA GARCELL, Katiuska. Level of knowledge about smoking and its relationship with the oral cavity. Rev Cub Med Mil [online]. 2020, vol.49, n.1  Epub 01-Mar-2020. ISSN 1561-3046.


Smoking is a chronic addictive disease which is the most important preventable cause of death in developed countries and the one with the highest morbidity and mortality before any other chronic disease (hypertension, diabetes mellitus). It is considered an epidemic of universal character and is a burden for the individual, the family and society.


To determine the level of knowledge about smoking habit, related to the oral cavity in adult smokers.


A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with 55 smokers patients of both sexes. A questionnaire was applied to make a diagnosis of knowledge about the damage caused by smoking in the oral cavity.


76.33% of the subjects presented an insufficient level of knowledge, 92.72% knew the relationship with oral cancer, 72.72% the benefits of quitting and 53.36% the relationship with teeth, however, 83.63% presented an insufficient level of knowledge in relation to periodontal tissues.


The level of knowledge in the population studied was insufficient.

Palavras-chave : tobacco use disorder; mouth neoplasms; mouth, injuries.

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