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vol.158 número2Determinantes del rendimiento de la innovación de producto: ¿por qué algunas innovaciones son más exitosas que otras?La desaparición de las microempresas en el Perú. Una aproximación a los factores que predisponen a su mortalidad. Caso del Cercado de Lima índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Economía y Desarrollo

versão On-line ISSN 0252-8584


ALONSO ALEMAN, Alodia  e  PEREZ PEREZ, Magela. Political Polarization in Today's Latin America. Econ. y Desarrollo [online]. 2017, vol.158, n.2, pp. 63-75. ISSN 0252-8584.

This paper is aimed at examining the phenomenon of political polarization as a result of the origin and development of capitalist system, with a Marxist-Leninist political economic approach being taken. Different levels of political polarization and its intensification as the process of internationalization of capital evolves are stressed. Related theoretical and methodological concepts are used in this study, with focus being on the Latin-American area.

Palavras-chave : accumulation; inequality; exclusion; multiscalarity; political polarization.

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