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Economía y Desarrollo

versão On-line ISSN 0252-8584


JIMENEZ BARRERA, Yasmani  e  SIERRA LARA, Yoandris. International Insertion in Value Global Chains. Econ. y Desarrollo [online]. 2017, vol.158, n.2, pp. 189-205. ISSN 0252-8584.

The present international economic relations are marked by the ever-increasing presence of value global chains. Goods exportation among countries has been traditionally the target object of analysis on the part of Economic Theory. However, since 1970-1980 decade, there has been a stressed boom of intermediate goods marketing and not of finished products, as it usually has been. This theory tries to explain the new processes of productive relocation in peripheral countries, but a triumphalist vision prevails yet about globalization process. In this context, international insertion in value global chains is presented by the main international organizations as a development alternative for the underdeveloped countries.

Palavras-chave : industrial growth; development; global economy.

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