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Centro Agrícola

versão On-line ISSN 0253-5785


LIRIANO GONZALEZ, Ramón et al. The worm's humus in the seedlings production of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill in a community of Cojedes State, Venezuela. Ctro. Agr. [online]. 2017, vol.44, n.4, pp. 23-29. ISSN 0253-5785.

ABSTRACT The present work was developed with the aimed to evaluate the application of worm's humus in the production of seedlings of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) cultivar Roma, in the rural settlement San Isidro-San Ignacio, municipality of Tinaquillo, State of Cojedes, Republic of Venezuela. Five treatments were studied: chemical fertilization (control), worm`s humus at 4 t ha-1 bottom, worm`s humus at 4 t ha-1 bottom + worm`s humus leaching above foliage at 15 days of seeds germination, worm`s humus at 6 t ha-1 bottom and worm`s humus at 6 t ha-1 bottom + worm`s humus leaching (1L per 50 L water) above foliage at 15 days of seeds germination. The experimental design was a random block with three replications. After 25 days seed germination it was measured the plant height, number of leaves per plant, stem diameter, root length, fresh and dry mass of leaf and root. The higher values obtained in each one of the studied parameters during tomatoes plant growing were achieved with the application of 4 t ha-1 worm`s humus at bottom plus worm`s humus leaching (1L por 50 L water) above foliage at 15 days after seed germination

Palavras-chave : leaching; seedbed; tomato; plantlets; vermicompost.

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