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Centro Agrícola

versão On-line ISSN 0253-5785


CAIRO CAIRO, Pedro et al. Effects of phosphate limestone on structure and quality under sugarcane vertisoles. Ctro. Agr. [online]. 2017, vol.44, n.4, pp. 30-36. ISSN 0253-5785.

ABSTRACT The work was developed in sugarcane areas of cuban vertisols of the north coast of the province of Villa Clara municipality of Sagua la Grande, with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of phosphate limestone and their combinations with fertilizers and organic manure on the structure and quality of vertisols under sugarcane cultivation. An experiment with phosphate limestone levels and combinations with organic manure (compost, filter cake) and fertilizers (NPK) was carried out on a wasstrip-block design. A soil analysis was performedat the depth of 0-20 and 20 -40 cm 36 months after the application of treatments. Organic matter, stable aggregates, factor structure, permeability, T value, exchangeable cations, index soil quality and productivity of sugarcane were evaluated. Phosphate limestone and there combinations with organic manures manifested significant effects on soil structure both in the surface layer and subsurface with residual impact over time to 36 months. The results show the close relationship between phosphate limestone and there combinations with organic manures on soil quality index additive, yield of sugarcane and economic impact

Palavras-chave : structure; soil quality index; organic matter; yield; Saccharum; vertisol.

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