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 número280Cervantes en Carpentier: una mirada desde las aulas universitariasEl juego literario cervantino en Los detectives salvajes índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Universidad de La Habana

versão On-line ISSN 0253-9276


BOFILL, Claudia. In a place of Pueblo Mocho... Where the amusing way that Juan Quinquín used to arm himself as a guerrilla man is told. UH [online]. 2015, n.280, pp. 75-83. ISSN 0253-9276.

The intense dialogues between Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes, and the novel Juan Quinquín en Pueblo Mocho, by Samuel Feijóo, show the essential especulative game of the Cuba personality, with Cervante's play. Juan Quinquín is, for many reasons, a Cuban Quixote that goes over a wide range of likely Quixotic resonances that lead him, in the midst of tragic-amusing-rogue situations, to epic stands, to understand that his job in this world is to face a hostile world in search for justice. That relation is made similarly productive in teh homonym fim versión of Feijoo's play directed by Julio García Espinosa.

Palavras-chave : Miguel de Cervantes; Samuel Feijóo; Quixote; literature and movie; Cuban literature; Cuban film making..

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