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 número292La gastronomía en Cuba: sector estatal vs pymes. La búsqueda de su complementariedadExportaciones cubanas: sus claves económico-jurídicas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Universidad de La Habana

versão On-line ISSN 0253-9276


FRANCO RODRIGUEZ, Mercedes del Carmen; CISNEROS MUSTELIER, Lourdes  e  ECHARRI CHAVEZ, Maité. Self-Employment in Tourism: Lessons to Be Learned. UH [online]. 2021, n.292  Epub 06-Maio-2021. ISSN 0253-9276.

The particular characteristics of the Cuban economy and the treatment of the non-state sector distinguish these small and medium-sized enterprises from their Latin American counterparts. This gap is addressed in this study, which analyzes both analogies and discordant elements between Latin American MSMEs and self-employed workers related to tourism in Cuba. From the Latin American experience, those elements agreed upon by regional organizations with vast experience in supporting entrepreneurs that can be transferred to the Cuban case as lessons learned are addressed. Research in this segment contributes to the characterization of the Cuban entrepreneurial ecosystem and makes it possible to determine to what extent they can be supported in the processes of co-creation, accompaniment, specific support and financing. The research yields policy recommendations that can mitigate the negative impacts on self-employment caused by COVID-19.

Palavras-chave : entrepreneur; experience; MSMES.

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