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Universidad de La Habana

versão On-line ISSN 0253-9276


MARRERO VEGA, Andy Luis  e  DIAZ PEREZ, Maiky. Preparation and implementation of educational resources to stimulate professional. UH [online]. 2022, n.295  Epub 01-Dez-2022. ISSN 0253-9276.

This article is part of the topic of research in education, specifically in the area of educational innovation in Higher Education. The empirical experience takes place during the teaching practices of the Psychology and Organizational Development subject in the 2021 academic year, course by meeting study modality, study plan E, of the Psychology career. Due to its applied nature, it has the task of training competencies of the psychology professional model for development interventions. The objective of this study is to design the educational resource SWOT Learning Diagram as part of the accompaniment to students, to train in the management of SWOT matrices of the organization, and identify problematic development situations. Due to its scope, the study is exploratory, with a mixed approach. Its application accounts for a facilitation of the learning proposed in the subject and a positive development of the innovation construct, stimulating through its implementation the formation of professional skills.

Palavras-chave : innovation; training and evaluation competences; blended learning; psychology.

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