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vol.34 número1La política de ciencia, tecnología e innovación en Cuba y el papel de las universidades índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Cubana de Educación Superior

versão On-line ISSN 0257-4314


NAIDORF, Judith; PERROTTA, Daniela; GOMEZ, Sebastián  e  RICCONO, Guido. University Policies and Scientific Policies in Argentina after the Year 2000.: Crisis, Innovation, and Social Relevance. Rev. Cubana Edu. Superior [online]. 2015, vol.34, n.1, pp. 10-28. ISSN 0257-4314.

The present article focuses on the last ten years of building a scientific and technological policy in the country, which has its point of inflexion in 2001, as from a significant political, economic, and social crisis, and it has maintained itself, oscillating between two main categories: innovation and relevance. Consequently, a detailed description is performed about the initial situation (crisis), and different science and technological policies developed up to now are analyzed. The main purpose is to unveil the existing tensions between a political stand linked to productive innovation, and a renewed emphasis towards building social priorities and relevance. Such results in a deliberation on the recovery of the Latin American thought theories on science and technology that emerged in the midst of the 20th century.

Palavras-chave : Latin American science; steadiness and changes; economic crisis; South American region.

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