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vol.34 número4La salinidad como problema en la agricultura: la mejora vegetal una solución inmediataTakeuchi. Nuevo híbrido de Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) para Cuba índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Cultivos Tropicales

versão impressa ISSN 0258-5936


ARGENTEL, Leandris; FONSECA, Idalmis; GONZALEZ, Luis M  e  LOPEZ AGUILAR, Raúl. Salinity effects on water variables water and osmotic potential and osmotic adjustment in cuban wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L. and T. durum L.). cultrop [online]. 2013, vol.34, n.4, pp. 43-48. ISSN 0258-5936.

The experiment was developed with the objective evaluate salinity effect on water and osmotic potential and osmotic adjustment in twelve wheat cultivars of Triticum aestivum and Triticum durum species at early stages of development was studied. The plants were settled down in a hothouses under hidropony conditions at a salinity level of 8 dS.m-1, a control treatment with an electric conductivity of 0,36 dS.m-1 was mounted. The evaluations were carried out at 25 days after germination. Results indicated a significant decrease of water potential values in most cultivars in all measured organs and a significant decrease of its values was observed from roots to leaves in order to assureb water gradient. The varieties that didn’t diminish significantly their water potential showed similar behavior in the three evaluated organs, although the potential gradient was stayed. The osmotic potential diminished significantly in all cultivars and its values were minor to -0,6 MPa. All cultivars carried out the osmotic adjustment, being the most significant value AO = 0,3 MPa in INIFAT RM-36, INIFAT RM-32, INIFAT RM-37 cultivars. A considerable variability in stress salinity response between cultivars and species for the three evaluated variables was observed.

Palavras-chave : wheat; plant water potential; osmotic potential.

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