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Cultivos Tropicales

versão On-line ISSN 1819-4087


AROCHA-RODRIGUEZ, Martha de la Caridad; PEREZ-ORTEGA, Eduardo; FERNANDEZ-SUAREZ, Kalyanne  e  HAESAERT, Geert. Effect of culture medium pH on the presymbiotic growth of Rhizoglomus irregulare. cultrop [online]. 2019, vol.40, n.2  Epub 01-Jun-2019. ISSN 1819-4087.

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are represented in almost all terrestrial ecosystems and colonize more than 90 % of plants. Its association depends on many edaphoclimatic factors including pH one of the most important chemical parameters of the soil which directly regulates the availability of nutrients and can affect germination, diversity, spore density and colonization of roots by AMF The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the pH of the Strullu and Romand Modified culture medium (SRM) on the presymbiotic growth of Rhizoglomus irregulare (INCAM 11) on in vitro conditions. For the development of the experiment, surface sterilized AMF spores were exposed to different pH conditions (4.5, 5.5, 6.5 and 7.5). The growth of the germinative tube was evaluated during 4 weeks, presenting the higher values on pH 7.5. This result is within the range of optimum pH recommended for this strain in field experiments, in which it shows its highest efficiency.

Palavras-chave : mycorrhizae; germination of the spores; in vitro culture.

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