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Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3054


AGUILERA, LUCITA; MARQUETTI, MARÍA DEL CARMEN; GUTIERREZ, ALFREDO  e  NAVARRO, AGUSTÍN. Tablas de vida de Blattella germanica (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) en condiciones de laboratorio y su importancia en el control. Rev Cubana Med Trop [online]. 1997, vol.49, n.1, pp. 46-51. ISSN 1561-3054.

A study of the life tables of Blatella germanica (L.) 1767 was conducted under laboratory conditions. 3 treatments were used a according to the number of individuals in each breeding flask (A=9 flasks with 20-25 individuals, B = 17 flasks with 30-35 individuals, and C = 30 flasks with a newly hatched nymph each). The main paremeters of the population growth were calculated by the TABVID softwares. The respective values for trestments A and B were the following: net reproduction rate (Ro 2,23 and 2,37), natural increase finete rate (l = 1,06), natural increase intrinsic rate (r = 0,06), and mean generational time (T = 13,89 and 15,64). The behaviour of the survival probability by age, the fertility rate, and the mortality rate were graphically registered. Life expectancy for treatment C was 16,47 and the survival rate for this treatment was represented by a graph. Graphics of the growth curve of this species and of the survival rate for treatments A and B were shown. The latter was concave, which meand that mortality is higher during the young stages. This study provides esential cuantitative basic date that allow to carry out a more efficient control if fight is directed to the period where the highest natural mortality was found, that is, at the step from nymph 6 to adult in treatments A and B.


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