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vol.57 número1Método de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa para la leptospirosis, análisis en muestras de una población autóctona de cerdos en Sicilia, ItaliaRespuesta de anticuerpos IgG antileptospira en individuos inmunizados con vax-SPIRAL índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3054


LUNA ALVAREZ, Miguel Ángel et al. Retrospective seroprevalence study of bovine leptospirosis in Mexico considering the ecological regions. Rev Cubana Med Trop [online]. 2005, vol.57, n.1, pp. 28-31. ISSN 1561-3054.

The newly published information about the different ecological regions of Mexico was analyzed aimed at knowing the situation of bovine leptospirosis. A bibliographical search was made and the articles were chosen according to the following inclusion criteria: a) diagnosis technique: microscopic agglutination, b) positive criterion titres of 1:100 or higher, c) time period: 1991-2003, d) publications such as thesis, memoirs of congresses, non-scientific journals and journals with arbitrage, e) location by states. The duplicated information was considered as the exclusion criteria. The results of frequency and of serovarieties of leptospirosis were reported by state, considering the different ecological regions. Reference to 17 states is made. The arid and semi-arid region had a frequency of 37.8% with a range from 31% to 59%, the prevalent serovars were H-89 strain (hardjo genotype hardjoprajitno), hardjo, wolffi and tarassovi. In the dry tropical region, there was a frequency of 45.9 % with a range from 27 to 72 %. The prevailing serovarieties were wolffi, hardjo and tarassovi. In the humid tropical region , the frequency was 63.8 % with a range between 31.7 and 84.6 %. The predominating serovarieties were H-89 strain (hardjo genotype hardjoprajitno), hardjo, wolffi and tarassovi. In the mild climate, the average frequency of leptospirosis was 39.4 % with a range from 22.1 to 54.3 %. The prevailing serovarieties were Palo Alto strain (icterohaemorrhagiae), Sinaloa ACR strain (portland-vere), bratislava, pyrogenes, pomona, and H-89 strain (hardjoprajitno), hardjo, wolffi and tarassovi. It was concluded that the presence of antobodies against L. interrogans is endemic in the different ecological regions of Mexico and that there is an elevated prevalence of serovarieties hardjo, wolffi y tarassovi; although in the temperate region, the Palo Alto strain (icterohaemorrhagiae), the Sinaloa ACR strain (portland vere) and Bratislava are present, too. Apparently, the climate influences on the frequency of presentation of the serovarieties. This is the first analysis of bovine leptospirosis by regions made in Mexico.

Palavras-chave : Bovine cattle; leptospirosis; Leptospira; serology; hardjo; ecology.

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