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Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3054


PINA MILAN, Eduardo César et al. Decision makers' awareness of the usefulness of measuring health inequalities in tuberculosis reporting in Havana. Rev Cubana Med Trop [online]. 2019, vol.71, n.3  Epub 03-Mar-2020. ISSN 1561-3054.


Approaching health inequalities in tuberculosis reporting is important for preventive decision making. However, their measurement is usually not included among the competences of the personnel involved in tuberculosis prevention and control actions.


Explore the extent to which health decision makers involved in the National Tuberculosis Control Program in Havana are aware of the inequalities in tuberculosis reporting and the usefulness of their measurement.


An exploratory qualitative study was conducted. A semi-structured interview was applied to an exhaustive sample of decision makers from the program on a province, municipality and health area level. The tool used for the interview included personal details of the participants, eight open-ended questions and an observation guide for relevant components of the interview process. The information was classed into deductive and inductive analysis categories.


Decision makers involved in tuberculosis prevention and control actions in Havana did not perceive the actual usefulness of measuring health inequalities in their daily practice. On the other hand, the knowledge and capacities required to measure these inequalities were insufficient among the personnel in charge of the management and implementation of the control program in the province.


Evidence was found of the need for a change in the connotation of health inequalities and the capacities for their measurement among decision makers involved in tuberculosis prevention and control in Havana.

Palavras-chave : tuberculosis; prevention and control; health inequalities; Cuba.

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