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Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3054


JIMENEZ-SALAZAR, Silvana; MUNOZ TOVAR, Ronni Andrea  e  BUITRAGO-TORO, Kenny. Unexpected presentations of endemic conditions: acute respiratory distress syndrome in a dengue patient. Rev Cubana Med Trop [online]. 2021, vol.73, n.2  Epub 01-Ago-2021. ISSN 1561-3054.

Dengue is the vector-borne infection with the greatest impact on disease, economic and social burden worldwide, with more than 3.6 billion people under risk of contagion. Its manifestations are varied, most of them characterized by febrile syndrome with a risk of bleeding, shock and death. Pulmonary involvement is infrequent, and acute respiratory distress syndrome is an unexpected complication, though it has been reported in association to a bad prognosis. A case is presented of a male patient without relevant antecedents of interest, with severe pulmonary focalization associated to dengue virus infection. Bacterial infectious processes and other causative agents of acute respiratory distress syndrome were ruled out. In view of the patient's clinical status at admission, the endemicity of the patient's area of residence, the clinical and paraclinical course, and the obvious positivity of the dengue tests performed and their seroconversion, despite not having conducted molecular tests, it was concluded that the most probable causative agent was dengue virus. Therefore, it is recommended that dengue infection always be considered as a potential causative agent of acute respiratory distress syndrome, thus contributing to optimal diagnosis and management.

Palavras-chave : dengue; adult respiratory distress syndrome; Colombia; acute pulmonary injury.

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