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Revista Cubana de Hematología, Inmunología y Hemoterapia

versão On-line ISSN 1561-2996


MILANES ROLDAN, María Teresa et al. Frequency of promyelocytic leukemia in Cuba. Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter [online]. 2001, vol.17, n.1, pp. 49-54. ISSN 1561-2996.

1 112 patients with AL (acute leukemias) from all over the country (714 adults and 398 children under 15) were analyzed. 637 (554 adults and 83 children) had AML (acute myeloid leukemia) and 98 cases (72 adults and 26 children) were diagnosed APL (acute promyelocytic leukemia). The APL accounted for 8.9 % of all the cases of AL in adults and 6.5 % of all the cases of AL in children. Its frequency in relation to the total of cases of AML with no age limit represented 15.3 %. However, when this frequency was analyzed by age group, it was observed that it was 31.3 % in children, whereas in adults it was just 13 %. In our study, it was possible to prove that similarly to what happens in certain geographic regions and population groups, there is an increase of the frequency of APL in children compared with the data found in the previous literature. Our results stress the need to consider by separate this type of leukemia in children and adults, since its analysis in only one group may occult variations in its frequency

Palavras-chave : LEUKEMIA, PROMYELOCYTIC, ACUTE [epidemiology]; ADULT; CHILD; CUBA.

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