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versão On-line ISSN 2075-5635


FONTANA, Andrea et al. The modeling of the reaction cross sections in the production of teranositic radionuclides. Nucleus [online]. 2019, n.65, pp. 23-27.  Epub 27-Jul-2019. ISSN 2075-5635.

We utilize various nuclear reaction codes with the aim to guide, interpret, and support the experiments in the proton-induced production measurements of radionuclides for the development of innovative radio-pharmaceuticals. The understanding of reaction cross sections at low-intermediate energies is crucial in this context and requires the knowledge of nuclear models available in different codes, such as EMPIRE, TALYS, and FLUKA. These nuclear reaction codes serve as tool to interpret the measurement of production cross-sections and to complete the measurements with estimates of production of contaminants and/or stable isotopes that are difficult to measure. We illustrate different model calculations to simulate isotope production useful in experiments devoted to the measurement of proton-induced production of the two theranostic radio-isotopes 67Cu and 47Sc.

Palavras-chave : nuclear reactions; isotope production; copper 67; scandium 47; cross sections; simulation.

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