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vol.25 número4Comportamiento del hierro sérico y la inmunidad celular en ancianos institucionalizados en el hogar "Santovenia"Necesidades percibidas de atención de salud al adulto mayor desde una perspectiva de género índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3038


CASTANEDA ABASCAL, Ileana; PEREZ LABRADA, Licet  e  SANABRIA RAMOS, Giselda. Gender differences in 65 years life cycle age and more in Guanabacoa municipality. Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr [online]. 2009, vol.25, n.4, pp. 54-64. ISSN 1561-3038.

Introduction: Gender could be known like the social, cultural, politic, psychological, legal and economic features set associated with persons in a different way according to sex. Gender inequalities increase with age affecting the elderly health. The gender approach in this research proposes to attract the attention on determined features of reality where there are inequalities frequently ignored and affecting the elderly (men and women) health in Guanabacoa municipality. Objectives: To identify the gender differences according to life conditions in 65 age group and more in this municipality from January, 2006 to February, 2007, and to determine the modifiable factors contributing to gender disparity, in the consulting room more affected by these inequalities. Methods: In a first stage, a descriptive study was conducted to classify in a debatable way three territories according the life conditions selecting among them one by randomized simple sampling. Gender differences were identified through synthetic indicator designed in Public Health National School called "Equality Rate of 65 years old or more" (II 65 and more); and in a second stage we made a group discussion technique with community social representatives to identify life features in which it is possible to decrease the gender differences. Priority matrix allowed us to identify among those life features those more modifiable by means of a strategy of educational intervention. Results: There were differences among women and men in the three consulting rooms in all study life features. In consulting room with favorable life conditions, gender differences were minor corresponding with the above mentioned rate (II 65 and more) with a higher value in opposition to that consulting room with unfavorable conditions, where the greater gender differences were registered and the above mentioned rate (II 65 and more) was the smaller. Life features marking the great difference in this last consulting room were: home tasks, retirement, ill-treatment, and health.

Palavras-chave : Gender; gender differences; 65 years life-cycle or more.

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