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Educación Médica Superior

versão impressa ISSN 0864-2141


BARBON PEREZ, Olga Gloria  e  BUSTAMANTE ALFONSO, Leticia María. Upgrading the language proficiency of Cuban internationalist medical mission Heads from humanistic approach. Educ Med Super [online]. 2011, vol.25, n.2, pp. 197-205. ISSN 0864-2141.

The present paper was intended to call the attention upon the need of incorporating new alternatives in the post-graduate education, aimed at upgrading the language proficiency of the Heads of Cuban internationalist medical missions in non-Spanish speaking countries, within the context of the increasing demand for health professionals mainly in cooperation programs with the Caribbean and Latin American areas and as a struggling imperative for the full integration. Communicative competences in foreign languages were analyzed from a humanistic perspective, taking as a startin the contributions of the Cuban revolutionary thinking current educational tendencies in general and the language teaching's in particular.

Palavras-chave : Mission head; internationalist mission; professional upgrading; language proficiency; humanism.

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