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vol.29 número1Alternativa para la enseñanza de Metodología de la Investigación y EstadísticaFactores que influirían en una mayor virtualización del posgrado en la Universidad Virtual de Salud de Cuba índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Educación Médica Superior

versão On-line ISSN 1561-2902


GONZALEZ-VALIENTE, Carlos Luis; SARIOL ROQUE, Diane de Lourdes  e  SANCHEZ RODRIGUEZ, Yilianne. Scientific production on e-learning in Latin America, a preliminary study from SciELO database. Educ Med Super [online]. 2015, vol.29, n.1, pp. 155-165. ISSN 1561-2902.

In this article some arguments related studies on e-learning in the field of education are clarified. The main objective is focused to present a bibliometric approach of the scientific production of this issue in the context of research in the Latin American region. To identify the key patterns in productivity is used as a reference source the SciELO database, from which was applied the indicators: document typology, productivity of years, journals, countries, language, and research areas. About 610 bibliographical records were obtained for the period 2003-2013, which denotes the increasing of productivity from recent years. Brazilian domain is inserted as the most prolific in terms of language, journals, and country. As part of subject areas from which this topic has been explored are included Educational Sciences and Health Sciences, which emphasizes a strong multidisciplinary projection of the e-learning field.

Palavras-chave : E-learning; Scientific production; Research trends; SciELO; Bibliometrics.

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