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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3127


MIRABAL JEAN-CLAUDE, Magdalena  e  NORIEGA BRAVO, Vivian. Criteria of the supporting staff that participated in the campaign against Aedes aegypti in Havana City. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 2008, vol.34, n.4, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3127.

Introduction In the fight against Aedes aegypti several sectors as well as the population throughout the country have participated in an intensive and organized way. Objectives To identify criteria of the staff that has worked in support of this fight against the mosquito and to supplement the information collected from a research work aimed at characterizing the organizational system of surveillance and anti-vector control units in City of Havana province, taking as a basis a survey among operators, supervisors, heads of brigades and of areas. This study was conducted in the same health areas of the previous research work in 2006. Methods A descriptive study was conducted on a non- probabilistic sample, following the authority criteria, in 13 health care areas from 12 municipalities in Havana City. The sample was finally composed of 175 persons: 104 who had been mobilized by the Communist Party of Cuba and 71 by the Cuban government on behalf of several economic sectors. Data gathering technique was the in-depth interview made by previously trained Hygiene and Epidemiology second-year residents. The participants accepted to take part in this study. Results Most of the statements by the interviewed people were classified into "unfavourable" for all categories and typologies from the interviews of the two studied groups, in terms of organization and functioning, care to the workers, suitable qualification of the staff, work with the community and support by the different sectors. Conclusions The solution to detected problems based on the criteria of the supporting staff is necessary and important to achieve higher effectiveness and efficiency and sustainability in daily work by different social actors involved in Aedes aegypti control. The achieved results confirmed and supplemented those of the research work in 2006. It was recommended to communicate the results of this study to the relevant authorities.

Palavras-chave : Social involvement; community participation; anti-vector fighting program.

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