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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3127


PATRICIA LOPEZ SOTO, Olga  e  CEREZO CORREA, María del Pilar. Erosive potential of industrial beverages on the dental enamel. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 2008, vol.34, n.4, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3127.

Objectives To determine the erosive potential of several beverages by means of pH determination and phosphate and fluoride concentrations. Methods For their analysis, beverages were grouped into sprinkling colas, orange/lime/lemon sprinkling beverages orange juices, sports drinks and alcohol-containing beverages. A calibrated and verified piece of equipment was used to measure pH three times. Phosphate concentration was estimated by gravity method of kinoline molybdate whereas fluoride concentration was measured with a fluoride ion-specific electrode. Results Colas, one of the sprinkling beverage flavoured orange-lime-lemon and one orange juice recorded pH values lower than 2,14. The highest contents of phosphate was found in white wine (6,44 mmol/L). Sports drinks, two orange beverages, one beer, one red sprinkling drink, vodka and white wine, did not show any fluoride contents. The rest of beverages was under 0,23 parts per million fluorides. Conclusions According to pH values, the beverages with possible erosive potential are sprinkling colas, orange/lime/lemon sprinkling beverages, sprinkling red drink, orange juices, fruit juices and one beer. None of beverages had fluoride contents enough to reduce the erosive potential. Just three beverages including beer, orange juice and white wine exhibited phosphate values that could somehow prevent the dilution of tooth enamel according to the analyzed scientific literature.

Palavras-chave : Risk; dental erosion; fluorides; phosphates; pH.

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