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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versão impressa ISSN 0864-3466


DIAZ MARTINEZ, Ximena et al. Active break as a changing factor in the physical activity of public officials. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 2011, vol.37, n.3, pp. 303-313. ISSN 0864-3466.

Introduction The increased physical activity is one of the most important elements of a healthy lifestyle that renders physical and mental benefits. Lack of physical activity increases frequency and duration of working disabilities leading to unfavourable implications for the worker, the company and the society as a whole. Objective To shape the differentiated performance of the level of physical activity per working unit in the public officials from Chillán, Chile before and after the intervention with active breaks. Methods Exploratory descriptive intervention. The short version of the International Questionnaire of Physical Activity was applied before and after the intervention with active pauses to the same individuals, in order to measure the level of physical activity. The active pauses took 15 minutes twice a week at the workplace, and they were based on communication strategies to promote physical activity. Results Data yielded that there is significant difference after the intervention, since the level of physical activity increases (t=-1,391), with 95% CI. Conclusions The active breaks increase the level of physical activity of the users; differentiated performance before and after intervention is established and the association of such performance per working unit is not stated.

Palavras-chave : Active breaks; physical activity; public officials.

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