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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versão impressa ISSN 0864-3466


DIAZ BERNAL, Zoe  e  GARCIA JORDA, Dailys. Perception on the rendering of service to care for infertility from an anthropological viewpoint. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 2013, vol.39, suppl.1, pp. 850-863. ISSN 0864-3466.

Introduction: some research works have reported a sort of "medical coldness" observed in the care for infertility by health care providers and perceived by medical service users. Objective: to find out the perception of users and of health care providers on the management and provision of care for infertility in three medical services of Havana. Methods: descriptive study conducted from April 2007 to March 2010. A qualitative-type approach was used to respond to the design of founded theory. The target population was divided into two groups: fertile couples assisted in selected services and their health care providers. Results: four inductive categories were described: care for infertility by the health care system; the organization and functioning of and satisfaction with the infertility care services, relationships of users and service providers, and the transit of users through the services of care for infertility. Some weaknesses in infertility care services were confirmed such as the poor resolution capacity and the need of establishing functions, standards and algorithms in each level of care in order to improve their processes, and lack of adequate social and medical thinking resulting from the hegemonic medical ideology. Conclusions: there are some constraints in material and professional resources; the organization and integration of services are poor leading to failures in management and continuity of care; executive decentralization of standards and the treatment given to persons and couples, taking their sociocultural conditions into account, is not enough.

Palavras-chave : care for infertility; perception by users and health care providers; physician-patient relationship; satisfaction of users and health care providers.

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