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vol.39 suppl.1Formación de promotores por la equidad de género desde la infanciaVivencias de la sexualidad en estudiantes universitarios índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versão impressa ISSN 0864-3466


SANABRIA RAMOS, Giselda. Sexual and reproductive research studies in the master's degree course on health promotion and education. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 2013, vol.39, suppl.1, pp. 903-914. ISSN 0864-3466.

Introduction: the search for scientific evidence for sexual and reproductive health promotion is very complex, since factors related to intimacy, individual and couple wellbeing, family and social relationships and even political nuances are involved. Objectives: to identify the inclusion of topics about sexual and reproductive health in the theses of the master's course on health promotion and education, the adherence of the contents to the research lines of the program; identify the concurrence of study areas, models and methods used, and finally to verify the dissemination of the generated knowledge. Methods: descriptive and cross-sectional study to provide visibility to the sexual and reproductive health representation in the master's degree course curriculum. Results: sexual and reproductive health promotion has been present in more than half of the theses, the linking of the topic and the research lines approved by the program has been confirmed, those studies that meet the national and local problems, in which the studied methodologies and models are used in the different master's degree courses; the results were in line with the context and all the stock of knowledge and current trends were published in three books. Conclusions: research on sexual and reproductive health has been remarkably important in every edition of this Master's degree Course in compliance with the objectives of the training program while all published books contributed to the development of the educational contents. However, research on this subject is still needed, as it is a sensitive issue for Cuban population health.

Palavras-chave : health promotion; sexual and reproductive health; master's degree course thesis.

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