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vol.1 número2La docencia de fisiologia médica en la comunidad. Experiencia en CamagüeyRadicales libres y antioxidantes, realidades y perspectivas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

versão On-line ISSN 1025-0255


DIAZ GOMEZ, Silvia Ma; ZARAGOZI RUBIO, Edith  e  TRAVIESO GUTIERREZ, Yusimí. Group dynamics applied to stomatology. AMC [online]. 1997, vol.1, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1025-0255.

The purpose of the study was to review participation technics of education for Health and the different elements necessary for its functioning in Stomatology. Data were selected from The National Meeting of Medical Students at the Convention Palace in l984, How to study Pedagogical Experiences of Progress, l989; Technology of the Alternative Communication and Interpretative Journalism, l989; Creativity plus Group Dynamics=Eureka l992; Recomendacoes, cuidados especiais em odontología l993. Data of the reviewed articles were inserted according to the different items delt with, such as: Group Dynamics, Leadership in the Group, Creativity + Group, dynamic technics. The results of the data synthesis made us to deepen in educative technics, which sometimes are not effective in the requisites of quality that guarantee modifications of attitudes and behaviours of the people in relation to the oral health, although it is the widely known intent of greater influence in modern education at these moments. Concluding, the knowledge and right use of each of these technics, are related with the health promotion, if we are able to motivate family parents, health professionals and pedagogues.


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