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vol.5 número6Comportamiento del cáncer por municipios en la provincia de CamagüeyCáncer del pulmón. Comportamiento en un quinquenio índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

versão On-line ISSN 1025-0255


MENDOZA DEL PINO, Mario; CABALLERIA PEREZ, Freddy; GALAN ALVAREZ, Yaíma  e  GARCIA OMS, Cira. Characterization of cancer main localiozations in Camagüey province: lung, prostate, cervix, breast, colon. AMC [online]. 2001, vol.5, n.6, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1025-0255.

A sinthesys of five sientific works about the first five localization that present half of cancer deaths in our country : lung , prostate, cervix breast, colon is performed. It covers a descriptive and retrospective study with all patients diagnosed and reported to the national register of cancer for knowing its incidence and mortality according death certificates; net rates and standard rates for 100 000 inhabitants were dtermined from 1984-1985. Net taking into account cubans population in 1981. Net rates and standard rates for 100 000 inhabitants were assessed for 5 years (1976-1980,1981-1985,1986-1990,1991-1995) total and por sex, specific rate for age groups and net rate for each municipality, as percentages of death of one for the total of cancer deaths. The years of life potentially lost were obtained for 5 years taking as a base 75 years, for ist processing the statistical package EPI-INFO was used, and for the analysis, tablas and graphics. Lung cancer keeps stable in man and it is increasing in women. It is in the firts place and it's stressed for municipalities such as: Esmeralda, Camaguey, Cespedes and Florida. Protate cancer always kept rising, occuping the second place. Colon cancer is significantly increasing in women and high risk municipalities . Breast cancer occupies the first place in women and it slowly increases in young ages. Camaguey municipaliy has an outstanding place Cervix has a pronounced rising in the youngest ages in Camaguey municipality.

Palavras-chave : NEOPLASMS [epidemiology].

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