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vol.8 número1Sensibilización cutánea a ácaros en pacientes asmáticos en la ciudad de camagüey. 2001- 2002Peloides en el tratamiento de las afecciones dermatológicas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

versão On-line ISSN 1025-0255


SARDUY RAMOS, Carlos Miguel; DE ZAYAS ALBA, Eugenio Mario; ARMAS SOTO, Lupita  e  RODRIGUEZ PEREZ, Judit. Non fraccional heparin and warfarin in the acute phase of the atherotrombotic cerebral. AMC [online]. 2004, vol.8, n.1, pp. 84-95. ISSN 1025-0255.

With the aim of evaluating the results of treatment with sodium heparin and warfarin in the acute phase controlled, randomized, opne and phase II essay in 60 patients who were admitted with this diagnosis in the Intermediate Care Unit (ICU) of Manuel Ascunce Domenech Provincial Hospital from january to December, 2001, was designed. Out of the total of sample, 30 patients received anticoagulant treatment (study group) and the remaining 30 received conventional (control groups). It was found a prevalence of patients with ages from 60 and over. The antecedenys of arterial hypertension smoking ischemic cardiophathy cardiopathy and diabetes mellitus were most frequent. The level of disability in a year improved in the group that received anticoagulant (70.1 % of cases had level I and II according to Kankin”s scale modified) compared to control group. The main complication in both groups o f treatment was the nosocomial pneumonia.

Palavras-chave : CEREBRAL INFARCTION [therapy]; ACUTE DISEASE; HEPARIN [therapeutic use]; WARFARIN [therapeutic use].

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